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Musings of an IT geek/suspense writer

November 9: 18 down, 15 to go!

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Still pretty sparse

Pink in some areas

Friday I went over the mid-mark, more than half done! My skin is getting a little pink in the armpit area, but otherwise it looks good; no fatigue. I dash to the hospital over the lunch hour, get zapped and return to work. I have to say this is pretty convenient.

I run over and begin undressing when I get into the elevator – outerwear, phone, etc. come off. I scurry into the changing room where I whip off my wig, sweater and bra and throw on a gown, then sit in the waiting area until I’m called. The techs then escort me into the room where I lay on a platform and they align me with the light beam from the ceiling and two from the walls. Each day they mark near the tattoos, so I’ve learned to wear only black bras to avoid purple blotches on the insides. For efficiency’s sake, I’ve also stopped wearing necklaces and large earrings.

The machine is intriguing. The spot that shoots out the radiation has the capability of changing shape — sort of like a two dimensional version of a pin sculpture. Sometimes during radiation they place a metal sheet over the window on the machine. From what I understand, this enables them to “curve the beam.”

It may seem strange to say, but my daily radiation treatments bring a little humanity into my routine. For a few moments I’m in the presence of individuals who care for the sick. Their entire day revolves around patients – touching, assuring, healing. Afterward I return to the world of computers, applications and deadlines.

Author: KJ Klemme

KJ Klemme is an IT geek by day and a suspense writer by night. Her novel, "Tourist Trapped," debuts in the spring of 2014.

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